Google Drive (雲端硬碟)是最近 Google 開放使用的文件編輯、檔案儲存及分享服務。不過其實他的文件編輯功能早已行之有年,當時的名字叫做 Google Docs,我很早就開始使用,記得一開始主要是用來排課表。
新的雲端硬碟主要是增加了電腦端同步軟體,可以在自己的電腦裡增加一個 Google Drive 資料夾,用簡單的檔案拖拉即時同步裡頭的檔案。另外就是開放了第三方軟體的功能,讓我們可以直接在雲端硬碟裡編輯圖片、畫心智圖等等。
不過 Google Drive 最有特色的還是多人共筆的功能,可以讓大家一起同時線上編輯文件,即時討論。記得在大一時曾經試過用這個服務來和組員分享課業上的資料,像是西班牙語的口試對話、或者是英語口說的報告大綱等等;也曾在社團裡用 Google Docs 分享開會文件。不過這樣的嘗試大抵上沒有很成功,主要還是侷限在檔案分享,而沒有真正用到共筆的功能,或許是大家對於使用它還是有很多不熟悉吧。
事過境遷,Google Drive 的滲透率似乎不斷上升,開始會有助教把作業用線上文件的方式呈現,這樣做的好處想必是觀看方便,省去額外下載與開啟的功夫。不過真正讓我開始覺得驚訝的,大概是發現有些助教開始會用 Google Drive 裡頭的試算表共同登記學生的分數,事實上應該說有很多堂課的助教都開始這麼做了。也難怪,透過線上文件,每個助教都可以同步更新學生的成績單,而且每次更新都會留下歷史紀錄,包含修改內容、時間、修改人等等,感覺確實很適合。
用 Google Drive 一起寫報告
這學期我終於第一次體會到同步共筆的好處,修嵌入式系統概論與實作的時候,我們這組的報告都是用 Google Drive 的線上文件一起寫的。一邊作實驗,一邊就可以更新,有時兩人可以同時撰寫不同的段落,有時也可以針對對方的段落進行修改。像這樣一來一往很快就把報告寫完了。除此之外,當兩人分處兩地之時,也可以根據目前自己做的進度即時更新筆記,這樣對方馬上就會看到,整組運作起來的效率就非常好。此外,這學期通識課用 Google Drive 蒐集大家寫的報告,效果似乎也不錯!(而且並不是我提出要使用 Google Drive 的呢。)
我想如果要用 Google Drive 共筆的話,最好是大家都對用法都要熟悉,而且也都很積極效果才會出來。我其實也分別在很多其他的課嘗試使用,但是效果都沒有這麼好,通常大家都會很少編輯,所以最後整份文件都會由少數人撰寫。
除了一起撰寫文件以外,使用 Google Drive 的試算表也可以用來調查時間,透過本地端同步軟體,彼此分享檔案也變得非常方便。未來如果繼續增加新功能的話想必用法也會愈來愈多吧。
課程主要分為大班的基本概念講解,以及小班的教學及練習。一開始的時候,講師徵求自願者上台練習辯論,當時因為太害怕所以不敢舉手。記得講師說了:“Come on! You want to learn something, don’t you? You paid money for this lecture!”
是啊,如果不練習,怎麼進步呢?另一方面,我們也要開始尋找一起參加最後全體積分賽的夥伴,我想,如果我不參與活動,怎麼認識別人,怎麼找到隊友呢?到了第二天,我逼著自己舉起手來,上台練習了如何以 Prime Minister 的身分開啟一段辯論。
記得當 Opening Opposition 時,勢如破竹反駁 Opening Government 的興奮。
I think they are contradicting with themselves.
記得每次在 lower house 總是被評審說我們在 “repeating what the opening said” 時的沮喪。還有我們第一次在 lower house 贏得勝利時,評審說的話:
“You all seem to be locked in a deadlock. It is the Closing Opposition that finally break the deadlock and crashed down the arguments coming from the Government side!!”
那一刻,真的好驕傲 =w=b
Because of the above reasons, we strongly believe that we Closing Opposition should win this debate!
評審也說:“Do you really only have these arguments? You can win the debate only because the issue is never well explained in the upper house.”
How to improve!!?
Motion - THW remove quotas for local programs.
They said that we are limiting people’s freedom of choice by giving quotas for local programs.
We are going to prove exactly why, by removing the quotas, they are actually the ones who damage the freedom of choice. And by preserving the quotas, we are actually protecting people’s choice!
As we already said, some local programs are just too weak to compete against international programs that have a long history of developing. If the quotas are removed, these local programs would just disappear.
What does that mean? It means the variety of programs would decrease!!
When this happens, the audiences do not have the right to choose anymore! Because those local programs are just not there! How can they choose?
還有在 Quater 時,明明不知怎麼 rebut,卻忍不住說起: “What they said is just nonsense!!” 結果只好見招拆招,連自己都不知道自己在說什麼。
Motion - THBT the developed world should bear a higher burden in the fight against global warming.
They said they the developed countries are pushing those highly polluting industries into developing countries and so the developing countries are causing more harm than developed countries. And that’s why the developing world should not bear a lower burden.
But can’t you see it?
Who exactly is pushing these polluting industries into them? The developed world!!
They said that these programs are giving people the choice to live in the life style they like. They said that they are giving people the chance to become the people who they would like to be.
But let’s look what’s the reality in the status quo. The reality is, homosexuality is generally believed to be incurable, or should I say, unchangeable.
Throughout the history, these programs do not produce any scientifically verifiable results. There certainly were some cases that the people were able to marry a different gender after the treatment, but only to be found out later that they were actually lying with themselves. That they were simply forcing themselves to live in a lie. A lie that produced great conflicts in their own mind.
Indeed, these programs sometimes actually cause harm to the people under the treatment. There were some cases that lead to deep depression, and even suicide.
That is exactly what we said as government side, that homosexuality is not something to be treated. Sexual orientation is not like anger that we can suppress. It’s not like shyness that we can overcome with. It’s who we are. It’s our inner nature that we simply cannot change.
In Taiwan, we actually teach students that sexual orientation cannot be changed in our school!!